Our history, Vision, and Leadership
About Us
Agri-Best Feeds' mission is to enhance the lives we touch through uniquely better agricultural products and superior customer service. Agri-Best Feeds is the regional marketing arm of SweetPro Feeds, Redmond Natural Trace Minerals, and Arrowquip livestock handling equipment.
Our focus is to maximize animal health, forage utilization, and producer profits.
SweetPro Feeds is known for its new nutritional technology (6 patents plus a proprietary digestive aide) of taking Distiller’s Grains (by-product of the ethanol process) stabilizing them in block or granular form and making them available to livestock producers across the nation and Canada.
Redmond Natural Trace Mineral is a unique sea salt deposit (50+ balanced minerals in crystalloid form) and volcanic ash containing a plethora of minerals. Both of these product lines are very valuable to animal health.
We market through a network of dealers and focus on exposing these great products to the marketplace and educating producers on the value of these products. Our dealers range from the producer dealer who owns their own livestock to retail outlets such as feed stores and building centers. The future for Agri-Best Feeds looks very bright. We have two “home run” product lines that we are introducing into the marketplace, a growing network of dealers promoting our product, and a business structure to handle and encourage continued growth.
Our Vision and Mission
Enhancing lives through relationships while providing uniquely better agricultural products and superior customer service
Our Leadership
- Kevin Haidle (President) 406 853-2900
- Daryl Haidle (Distribution Manager) 406 794-7911
- Scott Anderson (Marketing Director) 406 696-8301
- Trubi Woods (Human Resources) 866 601-6646
- Tom Kennedy (Callaway, NE Store) 308 836-2298
- Shanna Haidle (Callaway, NE Store) 308 836-2298
- Dean Haidle (Callaway, NE Store) 308 870-1875
- Dwain Hould (Cattle Specialist Lead) 406 321-4517
- Vince Guthrie (Cattle Specialist NE, KS) 308 991-2874
- Tate Haidle (Dealer Network - Retail Store Lead) 406 876-4295
- Ty Jones (Cattle Specialist MT) 406 951-4221
- Kade Haidle (Distribution Assistant) 866 601-6646
- Alex Koss (Arrowquip & Distribution Assistant) 866 601-6646
Our History
SweetPro Claims Put to the Test
SweetPro Feeds’ president, Bob Thornberg, contacted Irv Haidle to introduce their products into Montana. When Irv was first contacted he was interested in the concept but thought some of the company’s claims were “too good to be true”, so he filed the information. About a year later SweetPro contacted him again and this time he decided to test their claim (feeding SweetPro would improve feed efficiency on the forage for cattle — they will eat up to 25% less hay and 1lb of SweetPro replaces about 3 1/2lbs of grain or cake) on his own cattle.
Irv documented how long it would take his dry lot herd on his current supplement program to eat 8 round bales. He took away current supplements and added SweetPro, and within a 6 week period he actually noticed a 28% reduction in hay consumption. This was very intriguing to Irv, so after some further research on the product and company, he decided to market the product.
Agri-Best Feeds Introduces Sweet Pro at the NILE Show
At first his aspirations were fairly limited – perhaps a truckload or two a month. After some foundational work on pricing, delivery systems, and developing policies for a dealership network, Irv introduced the product line at the NILE Show in Billings in 2006.
Agri-Best Feeds Grows Rapidly
The response was better than expected and Irv was able to set up a number of dealerships and market 15 truckloads of product by March 07. At this point it was evident that Irv would need some help with this growing business.
In April, Irv and his family formed a corporation and Scott Anderson joined Irv as the Director of Operations. In September, Irv and Scott started to travel around the 5 state region putting on producer meetings for local dealers. By the end of 2007, more than 50 producer meetings with over 700 producers in attendance had been hosted.
Distribution Expands
Distribution Expands the business continued to grow and it became obvious that we needed someone who would oversee the distribution of the product. Daryl Haidle joined the Agri-Best Feeds team as the Distribution Manager on January 1st, 2008.
Redmond Natural Joins Product Line
Redmond Natural Joins Product Line continuing to grow, Sammy Higgs became our Business Manager on August 1st, 2009. In April 2009, Agri-Best became the regional distribution arm of Redmond Natural Trace Minerals. This product is a perfect complement to the SweetPro line of products and its benefits range from livestock and human health to soil application.
Sammy Higgs joins the Team
Sammy Higgs (Kevin Haidle’s son-in-law) joined the team as Agri-Best Feeds business manager.
2010 Montana Family Business of the Year
Dr. Abe Scheaffer joins the Agri-Best Team as a Nutritional Consultant.
Kevin Haidle becomes President
Kevin Haidle becomes President of Agri-Best Feeds and joins the full time staff. Agri-Best Feeds is honored at the national SweetPro Distributor Conference as #1 nationally in cattle tonnage sold, #4 in national horse tonnage sold, and #1 overall sales as well as being honored in the Million Dollar Club.
New store opened in Callaway, NE
Opened Agri-Best Feeds Store in Callaway, NE
Expanded territory
Expanded territory to include the exclusive marketing rights for SweetPro in northern North Dakota
New Product Lines Introduced
MasterHand Milling DDGS cubes, pellets, and creep feed and Cattleman’s Choice Mineral
Taylor Haidle joins the Team
Taylor Haidle (Kevin’s son) joins the Agri-Best Feeds team as the new business manager.
New Product Line
Arrowquip Livestock Handling Equipment
Rod Korte joins the Team – Outside sales – Equine focused
Dwain Hould joins the Team – Outside sales – Cattle focused
Vince Guthrie joins the Team – Outside Sales Nebraska Cattle focused
Jeremy Jones joins the Team – Outside Sales Nebraska Equine focused
Todd Daniels joins the Team – Outside Sales Wyoming Cattle & Equine focus; nutritionist
Trubi Woods joins the Team – Human Resources
Ty Jones joins the Team - Outside Sales Montana - Cattle focused
Alex Koss joins the Team - Distribution Assistant
Michael McFate joins the Team - Truck Driver
Stacey Erstrom joins the Team - Truck Driver
Joe Best joins the Team - Outside Sales Wyoming - Cattle and Equine
Continuing to Grow
Continuing to Grow through continued research, testing and education and our active dealer network, we continue to grow and contribute to herd health, stronger profits for livestock producers and superior performance for livestock and horses in Montana, Wyoming, Nebraska, North Dakota, eastern South Dakota and Kansas.
For about 2 years my beloved paint horse Twister had been losing weight. I would find him standing alone in the corner of the pasture foaming at the mouth. I took him to several vets to figure out what was wrong with him. Finally, at whits end, I went to the local feed store and was asked to at least give EquiPride a try and I’m so glad that I did! Its been 6 months and he is doing great! EquiPride is an amazing product and I recommend it to everyone that I know to feed to their horses. Melissa Brazelton - Powell, WY ★★★★★

Tribute to Irv
Irv Haidle, founder and president of Agri-Best Feeds, was killed as a result of an automobile accident on September 30th, 2011. Irv started Agri-Best Feeds in 2006, formed a family corporation in 2007, and was honored as the 2010 Family Business of the Year. Irv loved family, friends, agriculture, and business, but most of all Irv loved God and lived his life to please and honor Him. Because of his relationship with Jesus Christ, we are confident that Irv is experiencing eternal life with his Lord. Our goal is to continue to live our lives as Christ would have us live continuing to run this family business with the integrity and direction that Irv founded it, and look forward in the end to joining Irv in heaven and hearing our Father (and Irv’s) say, “Well done, good and faithful servants!” Click Here to view the tribute from the memorial service sang by Kim, Deanne, Candi, and Shanna and put together by Britney.